Y.E.T.I. Volunteer Interest Form

Interested in volunteering for trips, events, and general support for Y.E.T.I.? 

Fill out this quick interest form and a Y.E.T.I. staff person will reach out to you with next steps.
Your Information: 

Next Steps
Awesome - we love our non-professional youth workers and the value they bring to our youth and programs! 

Please answer a few quick questions below and click 'Submit' - you'll receive an email with a form link to register for the next upcoming Volunteer Info Night; our once-monthly info night for volunteers to learn more about Y.E.T.I. and how you can support us.
Next Steps
As a professional youth worker your path to become a volunteer is slightly accelerated - you'll receive an email outlining the process shortly after submitting this form - thanks so much for being interested in bringing your professional skills to the table for our youth!

Please answer the few questions below and click 'Submit.' We look forward to working with you!
Volunteer Interests